Article by: Marissa Savelli
Cell p

Other then just bad things there are also good things about cordless and cell phones. They can both get to a fairly small size. They are both portable, and the most obvious is that they are both used to be talked on. They are very similar because they both have many different companies that each phone comes from, and each phone can carry a phone book of all the phone numbers that you want to remember. Unfortunately in common, they can both kill brain cells if they are used for too long and they can both be damaged or broken if they are ever dropped. They are similar in both good and bad ways.

Aside from being all similar there are also many differences between the two types of phones. Unlike the cell phone a cordless phone can be large, but may be a better price. By contrast some cordless phones may not have screens and can flash when ringing. The cordless phone will have different ring tones then the cell phone would or will have. On the other hand cordless phones can be brought around the house but may lose the signal if taken outside. The cordless phone is a convenient phone to have.
We have talked about cordless phones so now we can talk about cell phones. Unlike the cordless phones, the cell phone can get very small and also very pricy. On the cell phone you can have different ring tones, can have text messaging and can put movies and pictures on some. They can get very skinny and can be put in your pocket. A great point to bring up is that a cell phone will often NOT drop the signal. Cell phones are great to have because they are small and great to carry around.
In conclus
ion, both phones are helpful and are great for just chatting with friends. Both have there ups and downs but always useful. Cell phones are great for going out of the house and carrying around with you when you are out. Cordless phones are great for at home but you can carry it around your house with you and do not have to stay in one spot. They are always changing technology and phones will always be getting better.

In the future there will probably not be cordless phones anymore. Will there just be cell phones or will there be a new an improved technology? What do you think? Explain.
I think that in the future some people may use cordless phones but they won't be very popular. I think that people will still use cell phones because they are new technology but i don't think they will use them all the time like indoors. They will probably come out with a new technology to use everywhere.
i agree with what abby said an yes i belive that people will come out with a better technology of a home phone that will be just like a cell phone biut for ur house
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