Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Airplanes help a lot because they go faster so they can get to they scene faster they a car or boat. They also help in wars like in world war two they help a lot like in Africa they help the soldiers on the ground by shooting rockets and shooting and dropping bombs on they enemy the planes they mostly used were spitfire, hurricane’s, and lightening. Also a very special plane called the dam buster (Lancaster) helped in WW2 to. Planes don’t always are in wars they are also help transport people and mail. They are also privet jets they mostly get used by business or rich people. They mail business has gone a long way because the first man to start it was an African American was the one how started it. That is a little things about how airplanes help people. Question:how have airplanes helped you in your live?


brendan said...
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triple B (brett) said...

where is the question?

Connie said...

yea i agree with Brett, where is the question????

You need to have a question at the end of your article that is evaluative or inferential.

brendan said...

i am not done

HauSEr said...

brenden where is the question

Creton said...

Your article is pretty cool but where is your question you should make me one and I will answer it!

brendan said...

i put a thing in ok

triple B (brett) said...

thats better

triple B (brett) said...

the answer to your question is yes. When i went to florida an airplane had to fly us in. Also there are fighter planes fighting in Iraq and Afganistan rite now trying to keep me safe.

Creton said...

Airplanes have helped me because they help us go on vacation far away. It says in the text that they go faster than cars and boats. It also says that they can help mail get from place to place. I can connect to this because I just went on an airplane to Florida in march and I got there in two hours but if I drove it would take me 2 days.

Thomas.k. said...

Airplanes have taken me places that car cannot reach and they are protecting me by fighting in the middle east

abby llewellyn said...

Yes airplanes have helped me in my life many times. All of those times were helping to get places like florida and other places I have never needed one for emergencies but they have still helped me.