Thursday, May 22, 2008

Laptops and open internet access

The topic of providing access for all students to laptops and internet and its effect on improving student learning is an interesting and multi-dimensional consideration. The quick answer to this for most young people who gravitate to technology would be yes, and this may in fact be the broad answer. However, there are many considerations that must be looked at before making a final determination.
As we consider the possible benefits of this issue, we must also be aware that there is another side to this. Given that technology is developing so rapidly, many computers are becoming obsolete faster. With this in mind, creating millions if not billions of new laptops for student use will ultimately use many of the world's resources and result in piles of old computers needing to find a final resting place. So, learning aside, there may be some other valid considerations which may have a place in the discussion.
This main question however, is one which others around the world have considered. To this end, Nicholas Negraponte has initiated the "One Laptop per Child" project. The thrust of their work is to provide inexpensive laptops ($100) to children in developing countries around the world. WalMart is apparently set to offer similar ($169) laptops in the next few months. So, this "dream" may be closer than we think.
I invite bloggers to visit the link below to look into the Negraponte Project as they consider their answer to this question.

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