Cell phones, the latest craze everyone seems to be using them. Everyone from about age 12 all the way up to 50 year olds. In fact there is an estimated 100 million people in the world who carry cell phones. But do we know what they can do to us?
Cell phones give off microwaves, the same thing found in microwaves and x-rays. These microwaves are the same as ionizing gamma rays. If these rays are absorbed by the tissue (E.g. The brain or muscle) therefore you have high risk of developing cancer, a result of cancer could be serious permanent damage or it could even lead to death.
Cell phones also can develop very large brain tumors as a result of the cell
phones letting off these microwaves and ionizing gamma rays in every direction. So because of the cell phone being pressed against your ear microwaves are given off directly into your brain therefore giving you a high risk for a brain tumor.
In conclusion there is no evidence that cell phones give you the cancer or brain tumor. They only give you a really high risk of developing the cancer or brain tumor. I’m happy I don’t have a cell phone!!
Cell phones give off microwaves, the same thing found in microwaves and x-rays. These microwaves are the same as ionizing gamma rays. If these rays are absorbed by the tissue (E.g. The brain or muscle) therefore you have high risk of developing cancer, a result of cancer could be serious permanent damage or it could even lead to death.
Cell phones also can develop very large brain tumors as a result of the cell

In conclusion there is no evidence that cell phones give you the cancer or brain tumor. They only give you a really high risk of developing the cancer or brain tumor. I’m happy I don’t have a cell phone!!
With the evidence in this text would you still buy a cell phone if you could? Using information from the text and your own ideas explain why or why not?
If i could buy a cellphone, I still wouldn't because it's unnessecary at my age (13) and I don't need to call anyone except my parents, when I need to let them know where I am going. Also I would avoid using a cellphone because of the radiation you can get from them. Even if you don't automatically get brain tumors and cancer from cellphones, I still won't want to take that risk.
No, I wouldnt buy a cell phone if I could because of several reasons. Like it said, they can give you a high risk of cancer wich makes me not want one. This reminds me of some news stories and stuff I have seen on the internet about what microwaves doing the same thing. This might not stop me from buying a cell phone if I actually needed one for work or something.Currently, I think it is unnessesary, annoying to carry around and expensive to have a cellphone anyway.So no, I would not take the risk of buying a cell phone.
If I could buy a cell phone I think,I would because in case of an emergency and I didn't have any change for a pay phone then I wouldn't be able to do anything but if i had a cellphone then It would be alot faster and easier.For example one time at the movies my friend and I were waiting for her dad to come pick us up and we saw some drunk guys come up to use and started to talk to us so me and my frined walked awayand they followed so we went to the pay phone to call her dad but we had no change so we just waited.Even if i did have a cellphone i wouldn't use it all the time because of the radiation from it, and because the risk of me getting cancer.
I wouldn't buy a cell phone because of all the negative effects they have on you. Like it said,microwaves are given off directly into your brain, therefore you have a higher risk of getting a brain tumor or other types of cancer.so because of that, i won't take that risk
no,i would not buy a cellphone even if i was aloud because first i wouldn't have anyone too call i think that people are only buying cellphones because everyone else and it is considerd the "new" thing,and i would be paying an expensive monthly bill for no reason. Another reason is that a cellphone sends off radiation that can cause cancer and i wouldn't risk that just to talk about something that isn't really important.I can understand people using cellphones for work,but the only work i do is at school so in my opinion im to young and until i get a job i think i am staing with my desion.The last thing is that it is considerd rude to have a cellphone in public and private places, at the dinner table,in theatres and plays and last in the street don't you think its a little anoying to listen to peoples private conversations?
No I would not get a cell phone even if I had the money to because I think like Connie that it is unnessecary at this age(12). This is not to say that I would not want a cell phone if I could get one but I would probably save the money up for something that is more usful to a kid at this age. Also the radiation like you said in the article is extremly bad for you and your brain. It can lead to brain cancer so on and so on... This is why I would avoid using a cell phone. I can connect to that exactly because my uncle died from the type of cancer that you get from talking on his cell phone. He loved to talk and talk and talk on it all day long and then one day he got very ill and the doctor said that it was a sort of brain cancer. Even if I ahd a cell phone I would only use it for emergencies. I would not just use it to talk with my friends because I know the damage that can be done to your brain and you only have one brain in life. You should learn to protect it. So no I would not get a cell phone even if I was offered/ had the money to get one.
From the information i found from your article...I would still buy a cellphone because at my age i would not use it that much. So i would not have a very big risk of getting a brain tumor.Also because they are greatto have when you are lost or need to phone someone to pick you up or something. So yes, i would still buy a cellphone even though study shows that it can lead to brain tumors
i might
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